An Old, Old Song 05-03-23

Good morning. The following song is older than our oldest hymnal. It is so ancient that it is hard for us today to imagine putting the words to a melody. But it was once sung. It was once sung with gusto and with joy. This song became an expression of faith, of hope, and of courage in the earlier days of Christ’s church.

I don’t know when the song was written, but I know when it became especially dear to the early Christians. The year was 235 AD, and it was during that year that Hippolytus, an early church leader and historian, was martyred. Knowing that his death was imminent, he requested of the Christian people who were dear to him that the following song be sung when his life should end:

Join, then, all of you,

Join in our Master’s rejoicing.

Rich men and poor men,

Sing and dance together.

You who have fasted

And you that have not,

Make merry today.

Christ is risen!

The world around is in ruins,

Yet Christ is risen!

The spirits of evil have fallen,

Christ is risen!

The angels of God are rejoicing,

For Christ is risen!

Rejoice with the angels,

For Christ is risen!

What a way to leave this life and to enter into the glory of God, with thoughts fully centered upon the risen Lord. Please, think today about the wonderful truth that overshadows all aspects of life, Christ is risen! It is a thought far too glorious to celebrate on Easter alone. 
