Dear Lord… 1-1-24

Good morning. Happy New Year! It is the first day of 2024 and a fine day to come to the Lord in prayer. Yes, everyday is a fine day to come to the Lord in prayer, but it seems that 1/1 is especially fitting as an opportunity for hopeful prayer.

I would like to share a prayer for the New Year. Pray with me if you’d like, or perhaps this example may stir you to bring to the Lord a prayer from your heart.

Dear Lord, as the dawn breaks on a new year, I give you thanks for all things. For the year just passed, I give you thanks. There were challenges to be sure, but Lord you work together in all things to bring about blessings and I thank you for working within the challenges of my life to bless me. Lord, for all of the blessings enjoyed this past year, I give you my thanks. For family and friends, for love and for joy, for hope and for safety, I give you my thanks.

Lord, I pray that in this new year you will help me win victories every day over the weaknesses found in me. Help me to release every grudge, to replace anger with peace, and to see the positive side of each person and event.

Lord, I require your wisdom. Illuminate my path with your light and help me to see as you would choose to have me see, and to turn away from anything that should not have my attention.

Lord, I pray for renewal, and may this process begin today as we start this new year. Renew my heart and my mind, refresh my spirit and my hope. It is too easy to get bogged down in the way things have been, help me, Lord, to find my hope renewed in you.

Lord, I pray for strength and for courage. Help me face the challenges and the hurts with steadfast faith. May I always, every day, look to you for refuge and for victory.

Lord, I pray for those around me, for family and friends, and so many that you bring into my life day by day. Help me be a comfort and a friend, a source of humor and joy, a person who can be counted on for faithfulness and truth.

Lord, this new year opens before me with many unknowns. I pray that your love will be my rock and my anchor, my light and my passion, my focus and my choice. May you be revealed this year through your servant so unworthy.

Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer. Thank you Lord for caring, for loving, and for saving me. I love you Lord.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17

May our Lord bless you with a wonderful New Year!