Their Dream Come True 12-31-23

Good morning. Today is our day of worship and it is the final worship gathering of 2023. And yes, the date can be written numerically 123123 (12/31/23). As the last day of the year our thoughts are directed more to what is coming (2024) than what has been (Christmas of 2023). But I would like to bring our thoughts for this day back to the 2nd chapter of Luke.

On the eighth day after his birth, Joseph and Mary followed the requirements of tradition and law by taking Jesus to the temple for rites of purification and to consecrate Him to YAHWEH. There were two interesting people who would add final glory to His birth narrative.

The first we read about is a man named Simeon, who was “righteous and devout”. The Holy Spirit was fully upon this man, and he had been waiting (we are not told how many days-months-years) for Jesus. God had told him that he would not die until he had seen the Lord’s Messiah. Simeon was “moved by the Spirit” to go to the temple at the moment when Joseph, Mary, and Jesus would arrive. As the young couple made their way through the temple courts to bring the baby to the priests Simeon intercepted them. We aren’t told what words were exchanged between them, only that in the next instant Simeon had taken the infant Jesus up into his arms, saying:                                    “Sovereign Lord, as you have promised,
    you may now dismiss your servant in peace.
   For my eyes have seen your salvation,
    which you have prepared in the sight of all nations:
   a light for revelation to the Gentiles,
    and the glory of your people Israel.”
 Luke 2:29-32

Finally, the old man could pass from this life in peace having seen Jesus, the Messiah. After extending his blessing to the parents, Simeon left them with this prophecy: “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too.”  Holding the infant Jesus, he told them that His life would be controversial, powerful, and defining. But also, he warns them that their soul (singular) would be pierced as well. How very true his words were proven to be.

The other person who would come to them was an elderly woman named Anna. We read that, She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying. Luke 2:37  This was another soul whose life was fully focused on the birth of God’s Messiah. She gave praise and thanksgiving upon seeing Him, and then began to tell all who would listen that this baby would be the redemption of God’s people.

They were both fully focused on the promise of God, fully given to praise and thanksgiving when they saw Him.

As we move away from Christmas and embrace the opportunities of the New Year, are we ready to meet Him? Could we see every day as an answer to prayer, and are we ready to meet Him? Will we allow our hearts to be filled with joy over the wonder of it, day by day with renewed hope, as we have the opportunity to meet Him! Yes, Lord, may it be so!
