Good morning. The word “kind” when referring to behavior is not easily defined or explained with another word or two. “Kind” requires explanation by way of example.
Kind hearts tend to be quiet in their kindness. Kind hearts let other people have their way even when it is inconvenient or unfair, and they do so not only without voicing complaints. In fact, they do so without even thinking of complaints. Kind hearts allow the other person to cut in when the merging of traffic is required. Kind hearts see trash and pick it up. Kind hearts let the harried mother with two boisterous kids get to the cash register first. Kind hearts open doors for others. Kind hearts smile gentle smiles that comfort others. Kind hearts smile gentle smiles to small children. Kind hearts go out of their way to welcome newcomers. Kind hearts help make the uncomfortable person next to them feel more at ease. Kind hearts lend helping hands to strangers. The list goes on and on, but you get the idea.
When we take a moment to truly consider it, kindness is important, powerful, godly, and required of us by our Lord.
Take the time to be kind, and if you find that the heart of kindness is difficult for you, bring it to the Lord as a specific request: “Please Lord, help me to be kind today so that you will be glorified”.