11-30-23 It Wasn’t Right

Good morning. There is a phrase heard from time to time, typically in reference to something that is unfair and unreasonable happening to a person: “It’s just not right.” It could have been used in reference to a person being fired from their job due to a misunderstanding or being blamed for something that wasn’t their fault. “It’s just not right.” It could be in reference to some terrible misfortune that befell someone. “It’s just not right.” It may have been said as the only answer to a person being badly mistreated by another. “It’s just not right.” Those words may reflect the truth, but they don’t accomplish much, do they?

Jesus looked down upon Jerusalem and wept for the people. Later, some of those for whom He wept would spit in the eyes that had shed those tears. “It’s just not right.”

Jesus offered to carry our burdens, to take the load upon His back to give us relief. The soldiers used a whip laced with scraps of metal to rip chunks of flesh from His back. “It’s just not right.”

Jesus’ hands had touched the untouchable, healed those impossible to know healing, raised a little girl from the dead by taking her hand in His. They pierced those hands with spikes, thinking that those spikes were what would hold Him on the cross. “It’s just not right.”

It wasn’t right, it was overpowering love that answered what wasn’t right. Every evil that was done to Him “wasn’t right”, and Jesus could have avoided all of it if that was His will. The truth of His will is reflected in John 10:17-18:  I lay down my life—only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.”

It wasn’t right, it was the will of God for you and for me. It wasn’t right, it was what was needed to bring us back to the arms of our loving Father God. It wasn’t right, but it was needed, and it was a price He willingly paid. His love for you goes beyond what is fair, or reasonable, or what is right. His love is absolute, no matter what the moment brings.
