Good morning. The words of our risen Lord, Jesus Christ: Listen to this! I stand at the door and knock; if any hear my voice and open the door, I will come into their house and eat with them, and they will eat with me. Revelation 3:20
If we personalize those words, and we absolutely should, there seems to be a valid question: “whose door is it, anyway”? Does Jesus own the door to your heart? If you belong to Jesus, then the answer is an obvious “Yes!”
Does it seem odd that Jesus would stand at the door and knock when it is His door? He owns the door, and the heart, and the body, and the soul. If anyone would have the right to barge in, it would be Jesus.
But God the Father isn’t like that, and neither is God the Son. God doesn’t force His way in, God patiently and politely awaits our acceptance and invitation.
What is it that calls Jesus to your heart today? Does something need repair? Do you need that special, non-judgmental friend? Do you need encouragement, or instruction, or perhaps a word of hope?
Please note that Jesus offers to come to us and spend some time. He intends to share sustenance, the nourishment that we need to thrive.
Jesus is standing at the door, and Jesus is knocking. He isn’t pounding with His fist, He is tapping just loudly enough for you to know that He is at the door, ready to enter at your invitation.
Please, answer the door to your heart today, and be ready for fellowship with your Savior.