11-12-23 To God Be the Glory

Good morning.

May God’s blessings be full and rich this morning as you come to Him in worship and praise!

I think that it is important for us as God’s people to remember that all that we are, all that we do, all that we plan, all that we say and sing, is all about Him, our loving God who is Father, and Son, and Spirit. This is always true but perhaps that truth is never more important for us to remember than as it applies to our times of worship. Worship is all about God, period.

It may be tempting to try and take control of various aspects of our worship experience. We do this by claiming, sometimes with others and sometimes while harboring those thoughts only within our hearts, that what is important is whether or not we feel fulfilled. Is it important for God’s people to have their spiritual needs met during worship? Of course it is, but that is not the primary concern or purpose of worship. The primary concern is whether or not God is being worshipped, honored, glorified, praised, and loved. When that is happening those who are worshipping are blessed and nurtured.  

What may each of us do, or say, or sing that will make a difference to God in worship today?

For starters, we need to be willingly engaged in worship. Please remember that there is a dramatic difference between being in attendance and being truly present. Being truly present means that we are engaged. It means bringing our personal joy while being a part of spiritual expression in words of inspiration, in prayer, and certainly with songs of praise. If there is a circumstance that prohibits our physical presence does that preclude the opportunity to worship? No, especially in these days of internet technologies. But we need to remember that being present means being fully engaged in worship and not merely being satisfied to be a spectator. While those alternatives are appreciated, nothing online can compare with being a part of spiritual worship, live and in person.

Please consider Psalm 100:1-2. Note that it is voiced as a command, a command for the proper heart of worship:

A Psalm for Thanksgiving.
Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth.
Serve the Lord with gladness;
Come before Him with joyful singing.

Many of the Psalms speak of the joy of worship, and the entire 98th Psalm is a song of worship in praise.

Please, be fully engaged in worship today. Give Him your heart and your soul, your attention and your love.
