Good morning. Are you able to remember a moment when near total darkness was suddenly swept away by light? Of course you can. It may be a daily, or nightly, occurrence, having a dark room suddenly filled with light when you throw the switch. Our eyes usually hurt some, and it takes a moment or two and a bit of squinting, but before long our vision adjusts and we are able to see.
It is sometimes mentioned that oil and water don’t mix. While that is true, you can have oil and water in the same place at the same time with the oil floating on the surface of the water. They may not mix but they are able to coexist.
Light and darkness do not coexist. Darkness gives way to light, and it happens every time. Sure, if the room is dark enough and the light is small enough there will be shadows and grey areas, but where there is light true darkness is gone.
Scripture asks the question in 2 Corinthians 6:14 “What fellowship can light have with darkness?”
The answer is “none”. They don’t hang out, they aren’t able to work together, they do not function in the same place and the same time. Light has no fellowship with darkness.
The point of that scripture is that people who are committed to living in righteousness must be aware that it is impossible to do so if we insist on embracing any level of darkness. Righteousness is an aspect of the Light, as Jesus tells us in John 8:12 “I am the light of the world”.
As you consider your plans for today are all of your plans within the Light? Do any of your plans include an attempt at fellowship with some part of darkness?
If righteousness is your aim, stay in the Light and leave the darkness behind.