Reactions 09-17-23

Good morning. As we read the account in 1 Samuel 17, there were some interesting reactions when David met Goliath. David was young, too young to be a part of the army of Israel. He was only visiting the battle area to bring supplies for his brothers.

Reaction 1: David heard Goliath’s challenge and saw all the Israelites (his brothers included) turn and run away. His reaction: Why? If God is for us, what difference does it make how big Goliath may be?

Reaction 2: His brothers heard him and told him to shut up and go home.

Reaction 3: King Saul heard about his words, and even though David is young and obviously not a warrior, the king figures “why not, I’ve got no one else”.

Reaction 4: Saul tried to put his own armor on David, but it was way too big and clumsy. David didn’t see the need for it anyway.

Reaction 5: David took his shepherd’s staff, his sling, and picked up 5 smooth stones from the creek. Why did he take 5 when with God’s help he would only need one? Who knows.

Reaction 6: Goliath saw David and thought it was a bad joke.

Reaction 7: Goliath was huge, he was waving a sword that may have been nearly as long as David was tall, but David’s faith never wavered.

Reaction 8: David chose a stone, whirled his sling, shot out the stone, and watched as the giant came tumbling down. He was not the least bit surprised because he knew God was at the heart of his effort, and it was God’s victory.

Reaction 9: David brought the giant’s head to the king; the Israelites all cheered; and the Philistines all ran for their lives.

Reaction 10: David was lifted up as a hero, but he gave all the glory to God.

I have had the pleasure of worshipping in a stadium filled with thousands of fellow preachers. It was awesome. I have had the pleasure of worshipping while sitting on a rock in the wilderness with only my own voice to join the sound of the loons. It was awesome. I have had the pleasure of worshipping with congregations of hundreds and with gatherings of God’s people that were only a fraction as large. When worship is being delivered to our Almighty God and the Spirit of truth is in our midst…it is awesome!

When God is with us, it is awesome. Let God be at the heart of worship today. Let God take care of the giants in our midst, whether they be concerns or fears or doubts. Our God is greater and when we trust in Him and worship Him and love Him, it is awesome!
