Humility 09-12-23

Good morning. There are few concepts that are more frequently mentioned regarding our approach to God and our attitude in all matters of faith than what is contained within the word “humility”. Having a humble heart-spirit-mind is essential if we are to come to God in prayer, if we are to consider our place within Christian service, if we are to consider what is required to gain and maintain a righteous relationship. Humility is the opposite of arrogance, and it is the humble heart that finds itself well kept within the will of God.

There is a story I have told before, but I enjoy it and it certainly speaks to the need for humility.

There was an army colonel who had been recently promoted and assigned to a new post in keeping with his new rank. He was shown to his office and his mind was full of ideas of how to make a good first impression. He hung pictures on the walls that were taken at gatherings that showed him in full uniform complete with medals. He took care to place in plain view everything that indicated his importance and all things of which he could be proud.

The sergeant who sat at the desk outside his office politely knocked on his door and asked if he could have a moment of the colonel’s time. Thinking this would be an excellent opportunity to make that powerful, good first impression, the colonel swept up the phone and began talking as though he was in the midst of a conversation. At the same time, he yelled that the sergeant could come in, and as he did so the colonel motioned for him to wait a few moments while he concluded his important call. “Yes general, I understand completely. Yes sir, and I am honored that you sought my opinion on this matter. What is that general? Well, yes sir, if you think that it is important that the president understand that the plan originated with me, I would be honored to have you explain that to him. Yes sir, general, I am looking forward to our lunch tomorrow as well. Have a good day sir.” “Now then sergeant, what can I do for you” the colonel asked as he put the phone down. The sergeant replied, “Not much sir, I just needed to tell you that the people would be coming by later this afternoon to get your phone hooked up.”

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2:3-4

Self-importance will always catch up to us eventually while humility is the key to opening our lives to the blessings of God and of man.    
