Prayer’s Blessing 06-25-2023

Good morning. I pray that you will enjoy this beautiful day of worship. Here at NLCC our message theme is The power of Prayer. This is the last of a sermon series titled Resistance. The focus of these messages has been on how we fight our battles for the Lord behind enemy lines. The most powerful weapon in our arsenal is prayer, and all of our resistance endeavors find their strength when we come to our Lord in prayer.

I would like to share with you this morning what I consider to be a lovely poem by Frances McKinnon Morton called The Meaning of Prayer.

A breath of prayer in the morning means a day of blessing sure;

A breath of prayer in the evening means a night of rest secure;

A breath of prayer in our weakness means a clasp of a mighty hand;

A breath of prayer when we’re lonely means Someone to understand;

A breath of prayer in our sorrows means comfort and peace and rest;

A breath of prayer in our doubtings assures us the Lord knows best;

A breath of prayer in rejoicing gives joy and added delight,

For those that remember God’s goodness go singing far into the night.

There’s never a year or a season that prayer may not bless every hour;

And never a soul need be helpless when linked with God’s infinite power.

Please make your prayers powerful today. The powerful prayer is one that comes to the Lord unhindered by sins unforgiven. The powerful prayer is one that is offered to the Lord in praise and thanksgiving, no matter what the circumstances of the moment may be. The powerful prayer is one offered to the Lord in faithful expectation, knowing that in our Father’s love what is right and best will be done.
