Gratitude 05-13-23

Good morning. If it has an engine, it needs fuel. If you want a fire, you need fuel. Whatever it is we are trying to accomplish, we need fuel.

I think that most of us can relate to the idea of running a little low on fuel from time to time. I am not speaking of running out of gas with your car, although more than a few of us probably have stories along those lines. I am talking about the fuel that provides the power so that we can make it through our day.

When we run low on fuel we don’t work very well. Our demeanor may go from pleasant to crabby. Our priorities may go from productive to survival mode. Typically, it takes a lot of energy to get the things done that need doing. We need to remember that this is true not only of ourselves but of every other person with whom we have interactions in the course of our day.

Our scripture today is brief: I thank God every time I remember you. Philippians 1:3

Do you think it possible that even God enjoys a word or two of thanks occasionally? I know that we read in Psalm 22:3 that “God inhabits the praise of His people.” and perhaps hearing us express thanks is a part of that estate of praise.

I do know this, that everyone needs to hear a word of thanks now and again. I have read that expressions of gratitude are one of the graces we are losing these days. That is unfortunate, because words of thanks are nourishing to our spirit and are often the difference between making it through a day intact as opposed to running out of energy and losing function.

I have noticed that it is when we are willing to share expressions of gratitude that we often find ourselves on the receiving side of similar thoughts.

Let’s nourish one another today. Take a moment to consider how you are being blessed by our heavenly Father, and also by those whom He has chosen to share in your life. It doesn’t require much thought or energy to say “thanks”, but it can put some fuel in the tank of that person who is worthy of the word. Being a thankful person will lift your spirits as well so hey, “thank you” for taking a few moments to read this, and thank you for being a blessing.
