Good Soil—Good Harvest 04-25-23

Good morning. We are nearing planting season in the agricultural heart of Minnesota. I grew up in an area with soil that was good for growing jack-pine trees, varieties of weeds, and pure sand for swimming beaches. I appreciate the quality of soil in this area, which holds water and nourishes crops. James 3:17-18 tells us something about spiritual “farming”.

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.

The first part of this passage is akin to being able to tell the difference between a weed and the intended plant. There are weeds that do a pretty good job of camouflaging, so it is tough to tell the weed that needs to be removed from the plant that needs to be nurtured.

What this passage tells us is that you can tell when wisdom is genuinely from a heavenly source as opposed to the counterfeit that comes to us from the world. Check for purity. Is there a contradiction, or is what you are considering less than completely true? If so, then it is not from heaven. Is that which is being considered going to end in peace or increase conflict? If it is the latter, then it isn’t from God. Is what you are wondering about considerate of others? Is it submitted to the will of God? Is it reflective of a merciful and generous spirit? Is it revealing spiritual fruit? Is it impartial or prejudicial? Is it sincere or is it guided by other motives? All of these questions are important when we wonder if the message we are reading or hearing is filled with the wisdom of God.

Finally, we are told that to grow the right kind of crop we need the right kind of soil. If you are seeking peace, then you need to plant the proper seed. If we desire peace, we need to live peace, talk peace, share peace, and love peace. Only then we can look forward to a harvest of peace.

If we find ourselves disappointed in the spiritual “crop” that is at hand, then perhaps we need to consider the truth of the “soil” of our spirit.

When our “soil” is righteous, we can always count on God to provide what is needed for a bountiful crop.

Plant well and remember that a good harvest depends on your good soil.
