Good morning. Our prayer life is an essential aspect of our existence as the people of Jesus Christ. It is through our prayers that we feel our hearts inspired, our needs voiced, our praises lifted up, our fears expressed and released. It is through our prayers that we feel unity with our Father God in ways that we cannot feel through any other experience. Powerful prayer brings hope, joy, and peace as nothing else is able to do.
What follows are some thoughts about prayer.
Pray wherever you are. God is everywhere and there is no more appropriate time or place to pray than where and when the Spirit moves you to do so.
Focus. Give the Lord your full attention as best you can. Distracted prayer is distorted prayer and runs the risk of being less effective than it could be.
Pray to God simply, quietly, and naturally. He made you. He knows you. He loves you. He desires to hear you and to be with you. There is no need for fancy words, just tell Him what is on your heart and mind and allow Him to bless you.
Listen well. Prayer is communication and if it is only one-way you may miss the point, and probably will not hear His answer.
Pray in thanksgiving. The Lord is blessing you, take the time to take stock and say “thanks”. When your heart is filled with thanksgiving your mind will come to Him in ways that are fitting and functional.
Pray for forgiveness. Every prayer, every time, allow your plea for forgiveness to be a part of your expression. Why? Because we need his forgiving grace to cover us throughout every day.
Pray for others, especially those with whom you presently feel conflict. Make the needs of others a central theme of your prayer. Make your thanksgiving for others a frequent topic of your prayer.
Pray for the needs of the world around you, but also pray to be shown how the Lord would like you to be of help.
Pray that His will be done, for that is a trusting prayer, a faithful prayer, a humbling prayer, and an honest prayer.
Pray in peace. Praising Him for the peace that passes understanding as it has descended upon you should be part of our appreciation in prayer.
Pray as to a friend, for that is who the God of creation desires to be, your friend.
Pray. Take the time and make the effort to pray and know that He is listening.
Pray without ceasing... 1 Thessalonians 5:17