Good morning. This week we will consider some of the scriptures and topics that guide our celebration of Christmas, the arrival of Immanuel.
Luke 2 begins: In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. This was the first registration when Quirinius was governor of Syria.And all went to be registered, each to his own town. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the town of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David,to be registered with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child.
They traveled because of their legal responsibility. Rome was not known for being reasonable, like considering an extension due to such matters as a young woman being nine months pregnant.
The journey was a little over 90 miles. If you go to a map site, it will tell you that it will take about an hour and fifty-three minutes by car. 2,100 years ago, it took longer. The journey was over steep hills and through dark valleys. For a man traveling alone in a hurry, the trip could be made in about four days. Joseph and Mary could have traveled with a caravan to reach Jerusalem, and then gone the remaining seven-eight miles on their own, but I think that it is unlikely. The reason I find it unlikely is that a nine month along pregnant young woman probably need to travel at a slower pace than what a caravan would have required. The caravans traveled for 10 hours per day at about 2 miles per hour, so the trip to Jerusalem would be seven or eight days. For Joseph and Mary to reach Jerusalem and then Bethlehem, ten to twelve days would be the minimum, and two weeks far more likely.
How many miles could Mary have traveled in a day, balanced on the bony back of a donkey?
Mary’s presence was not required. Nothing in Roman law suggested that a person registering for taxation would need to bring his betrothed wife. But it would seem that the Lord made it clear that it was necessary for her to make the journey.
From the very beginning, there was a price that needed to be paid for God’s salvation plan to become a reality. Joseph patiently led the donkey, and if the donkey was carrying Mary, then Joseph would have had a large pack on his back carrying their needed supplies. Mary endured the hardship of the journey, and yes, that hardship was only the beginning.
Thank you Lord for placing the burden of your plan for our salvation on such sturdy shoulders as belonged to Joseph. Thank you Lord for lifting Mary up with the strength needed to suffer valiantly through the challenges of each and every mile.
Thank you Lord Jesus for coming to us.