Good morning. Who is the best looking human being, man or woman, alive today? I suppose we could argue over our opinions, but this much is true: God did not save them because of their looks.
Who is the greatest athlete on the planet today? Would it be a soccer player, one who plays basketball, or perhaps a ballerina? I suppose we could argue over the athleticism required to play each sport, or over the superior athleticism required to be a great dancer, but this much is true: God did not save anyone because of their athletic prowess.
Who is the greatest singer you have ever heard? Is their music discipline in opera, or ballads, or pop, or…(please don’t suggest rap)… I suppose we could argue about our favorite style of music and over which type requires the greatest talent to be proficient, but this much is true: God did not save anyone because of their beautiful voice or talents.
Who is the greatest teacher, or preacher, or cop, or fireman, or fisherman, or quiltmaker, or cook, or mother, or dad? We all may have our opinions, but this much is certain: God did not save anyone because they were the greatest at anything we can imagine.
Why does God save anyone?
For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whoever will believe in Him will not perish but have ever lasting life. John 3:16
There you have it, the one and only reason God saves any of us. He loves us. God is head over heels in love with us and the reason He went to the extraordinary lengths of crucifixion and resurrection to save us is simply this: He isn’t simply fond of you, He loves you. With a power that is greater than any other power in the universe, God-loves-you.