Good morning. The word “ponder” isn’t used much anymore, but it has an interesting definition. Ponder: To think about something carefully and for an extended period of time, especially when making a decision or considering a conclusion.
To ponder something isn’t to give it a bit more thought than usual. To ponder something means that we give it prolonged thought to help us reach an important conclusion or to make an important decision.
Ponder is the word used in Psalm 107:43 Let the one who is wise carefully observe these things, let them ponder the loving-kindness of the Lord.
With careful observation and prolonged thought, we are to consider the loving-kindness of God.
Loving-kindness is a word frequently used in the Old Testament to describe the ways of the LORD. It is used to describe a special kind of love. It is a love that is recognized for its tenderness, compassion, and heart-felt joy.
We would be wise today to direct our thoughts to the loving-kindness of our Father God and our Savior, Jesus Christ. How is God revealing His compassion to you today? In what ways is Jesus displaying not only friendship but a personal tenderness towards you today? How are God the Father and Son sharing the joy that they feel in knowing that you are a part of the Kingdom today, tomorrow, and forever?
Some things to ponder.