How many words are required to get God’s attention? How long should our prayers be if what we are saying is, to us at least, important? Is God impressed, or spiritually moved, or motivated by well thought out, fully explained, adequately detailed thoughts and expressions? Perhaps to a degree, but please consider this:
When it was time for Jesus to begin His ministry in a public way, to reveal the power of God that rested upon Him, it all began at a wedding. The greatest social faux pas imaginable in the culture of the time was unfolding. The hosts for the feast given to celebrate a wedding had run out of wine. This simply was not allowed. It would open them up to ridicule and rumor. It was a dire circumstance to say the least.
Someone who knew about what was happening mentioned it to Mary, Jesus’ mother. She could have gone into detail, explaining the situation away and begging for some solution. But Mary did nothing of the kind. She approached Jesus and said only this, “They have no more wine.” John 2:3 Jesus questioned her intentions with words just as brief. Mary responded by telling the servants to do exactly as Jesus instructed. That was it. Nothing more said, nothing more was needed to be said. 1. There was a problem. 2. Jesus was and is the solution. 3. Being obedient to His will means all will end well.
I am not suggesting that you cut down your prayer time. I am suggesting that once God knows the truth of your heart and that your need aligns with his will, leave it to Him. With confidence, and in obedience to what He commands, leave it to Him.
By the way, Jesus turned water into wine for the wedding feast, and it was the GOOD stuff!