Good morning. Years ago, on a rainy day up on Rainy Lake, Pam, myself, and another couple decided it was too wet to go fishing so we went to town. There isn’t a great deal to do in International Falls on a rainy day, so we toured the Boise paper making plant. It was very interesting. Their main ribbon of paper is produced by a machine made in Switzerland. The ribbon of paper that shoots out of the machine is 30’ wide, and several miles of it are produced every day. At the end of the production line the paper is packaged for delivery to various buyers. As it turns out, every kind of paper, whether it says on the package that it is “super deluxe” or “economy”, is all the same paper. The only difference is in the packaging. The only thing that matters to the paper company is the volume of production. Everything else amounts to less important details. This is an example of mass production at its finest.
We are not like that. Consider this brief sentence in Psalm 139:13 You knit me together in my mother’s womb.
We are not mass produced. Each thread is chosen and carefully intertwined by the Master. Each thread is made of personality and temperament, carefully and deliberately selected.
No two of us are the same, not even identical twins. We are all unique creations.
Please let your mind wander to see the master weaver, threading together a soul. Every choice and every aspect of the work is unique and wonderful.
We read in Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. (NLT)
We are all unique, and each of us are created with a God determined purpose.
Thank you, Lord God, for making us as we are, for knitting us together in your work of love. God doesn’t make junk. He never has and He never will.