Warriors 10-15-22

Good morning. King David had his Mighty Men. These were heroes, a stout hearted few who accomplished amazing things with the presence and power of God utilizing their willing spirits. They were warriors.

Gideon was called to service while hiding in a wine press. Not the behavior you would expect from a hero of God, but God called him, and he grew into the position. God had Gideon call together an army, and 22,000 responded. God said, “Too many, send home those who are afraid”, and 12,000 were sent home. Of those who were left, they marched toward the enemy until they were exhausted and very thirsty. When they came to a stream, 10,000 rushed down, fell into the water, and drank like dogs without a care in the world. All of those were also sent home. But 300 men, just as tired and thirsty as their friends, came to the water with their heads up. They were a different sort. No one told them how to behave, it was natural for them. This is because they were, at the core of their beings, warriors. They would never risk their mission to satisfy personal wants and needs. Warriors. God told Gideon to take them, and to go into battle. God would rather go to battle with 300 warriors than with 22,000 whose hearts were not with Him.

Warriors for the Lord come in every size and shape. They may be surprisingly young or old. They may be men or women. They may step up to serve with that fierce look of determination in their eyes, and no one is surprised because the warrior spirit in them has been evident before. Others may step up with that same look and shock the people around them. They had never been considered a warrior, but now is the time, God has called, and they are ready to fight the good fight.

The apostle Paul summed up the warrior spirit and life when he shared this with his young protégée, Timothy: I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing. 2 Timothy 4:7-8

I have no idea what battles the Lord may be preparing for us today, but I know that there will be some. To be God’s warrior today may be as simple as sacrificing a bit to feed someone hungry. It may mean that rather than slinking away in silence when people are belittling and misrepresenting Jesus, we will speak up, take a stand, face the risk. Being God’s warrior may mean that we answer that “feeling” we have, that persistent voice inside, and spend as much of the day as possible bowed in fervent prayer. What God will call for His warriors to accomplish could be many different kinds of things, but He will call.

We all know that there is a battle surging around us, a fight of good vs. evil. God calls warriors to put on their armor (Ephesians 6:10-18) and to fight with Him and for Him.

Will you be a warrior today?
