Good morning. What a world. No, I am not echoing the last words of the wicked witch from the Wizard of Oz, I am simply pointing out a fact. From the standpoint of creation, we live in an amazing world.
In Ireland and Scotland there are mountains covered with green grass. The Rockies, Alps, and Himalayas are mountains of different kinds. They are towering peaks of rugged stone. Sometimes with timber on their slopes, sometimes with snow at such heights that it never melts. They are breathtaking in their beauty and grandeur.
¾ of the planet is covered by oceans. Within their depths is a variety of life that is staggering. From the tiniest zooplankton to the 400,000 pound plus artic blue whales which eat those plankton, the oceans abound with life forms of every size, shape, and color imaginable.
There are jungles, and there are deserts. There are rainforests, and there are prairies. Our sun burns bright, providing heat and energy. Our moon graces our nights and pulls those oceans in and out with tides. The flowers and the fungi; the elephant and the mouse; the sloth and the cheetah; there are birds and animals of such color and variety that the list would seem endless.
What a world!
And the One who created it all, the one who carved out the canyons and created every star in the sky, loves you.
Your faithful love is priceless, oh God! All of humanity finds refuge in the shadow of your wings. Psalm 36:7
Please, give that some thought today. The creator of the universe knows you, has given you a name that only He knows, and He loves you with a powerful and amazing love.