Good morning. My children’s lesson this past Sunday included a picture on the screen of a woman looking at a mirror first thing in the morning and not being pleased with what she sees. However, next to her is her dog, who is looking up at her adoringly, with the caption, “She is sooooo beautiful!” The dog chooses to only see the beauty.
The point made for the kids (and all of us) is that while we may look in the mirror and be somewhat disappointed, God looks at us and sees beauty. We, therefore, should remember to see ourselves as God sees us, as His beautiful children. Forget the faults, focus on the beauty! The object lesson to help them remember was mixing soda and vinegar, which releases carbon dioxide, which is invisible but has power. The created carbon dioxide was poured out over lit candles and caused their flame to instantly be doused. Like God’s love, there was unseen power at work.
Hebrews chapter 11 is called the “faith” chapter. It shares remembrances of many of God’s faithful servants whose stories are recorded in the Old Testament. The chapter begins with a brief definition of faith: Now faith is being assured of what we hope for, being certain of what is not seen.
For our thought today I ask that we give effort to seeing through the eyes of faith.
Our eyes see danger like a prowling lion. Our faith sees Daniel’s angel keeping him safe through the night.
Our eyes see the storms of life crashing all around us. Our faith sees what Noah saw as the waters of the great flood receded. Noah saw God’s promise in a rainbow.
Our eyes too readily see our faults and weaknesses. Our faith sees our Savior and remembers His promise of rescue.
Our eyes see our guilt. It is there, and it cannot be denied. Our faith sees the blood of Jesus and remembers that the price has been paid and our guilt is forgiven.
Our eyes see the destruction that man’s sin has brought upon God’s creation, the evil that is evident and terrifying. Our faith sees the gates of heaven opened and the arms of God reaching out to us and remembers His promise to bring us home to eternity.
You are a beautiful creation of God. You are fully loved by Him. Take heart in this world and see, today, with the eyes of faith.