Our Can-Do God 8-12-22

Good morning. Imagine Arnold Schwarzenegger’s son needing help to open a pickle jar. Imagine Phil Knight, the founder of Nike’s daughter having to ask her dad for a new pair of tennis shoes. Imagine Steve Jobs’ kid asking if it might be possible to get a new computer.

I would imagine that such problems are right down their alley, and those dads would have them covered.

Now that you have imagined those things, imagine with me for a moment when you need greater strength to resist that temptation that always gets the better of you. Imagine a time when the ends aren’t meeting as they should, and you aren’t sure where the help will come from. Imagine a thorny situation in a relationship and you aren’t sure what to do or what to say. I would think that none of those situations are too tough to imagine because most of us have been there, perhaps several times.

One of the most remembered and treasured verses of scripture addresses all of those imaginings. We read it is Philippians 4:13I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.

We don’t have to imagine this truth we only need to accept it. Our Father God, the Commander in Chief of the universe, knows your name. He cares for you. He even entered into our physical state for a time to better prove to us that He knows us and loves us. Do you need a hand? The Father’s hands are reaching out to you.

I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.

Ours is a can-do Father God.
