Good morning. In the course of our day, we will almost certainly be faced with some decisions that come down to “is it right or wrong.” For today’s thought, I would like to try and simplify the question and its answer.
There are so many teachings of our world that make it seem like the answer to the question “is it right or wrong” is complicated. The world often maintains there is no single appropriate answer when that question arises, for what is right for one person in a particular situation may be wrong for another person or in a different situation. The answer, we are led to believe, is rarely black and white but often in various shades of grey.
In the time of the early church one such question of right and wrong was being asked about certain foods. Those from a Jewish background often continued to live by the standard of a Kosher diet and would frequently insist that this restriction on foods was required for the Gentile as well.
The apostle Paul in his first letter to his protégé Timothy provided his answer to such questions in 1 Timothy 4:4-5 For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.
I wonder if that direction given regarding the eating of foods might be applicable in a much broader sense? My suggestion is that everything that is worthy to be lifted up to God in a prayer of thanksgiving and praise is “good.”
Is whatever word, or deed, or idea that will be in front of you today worthy of offering prayers of thanksgiving to God? If it is worthy of giving God praise, then I would say that it is worthy of being called “good.” If it is not worthy of being brought before the Lord your God for His attention and His blessing, then I would say we might need to consider it in the category of “unfit for the eyes and ears of Christ” and therefore “wrong.”
Right and wrong may feel like a grey area at times, but being righteous and worthy of praise and thanksgiving leaves no doubt. It is a simple test: will God be pleased to be thanked for this or would He not want His name associated with such a thing?
Praise Him for all that is right and worthy!