Good morning. I would like share thoughts today on the wonderful nature of worship. Of course, the first thought about worship which must be recognized is that worship is a response of the created to the Creator. Worship is the natural outpouring of praise for the One who is absolutely praise-worthy. Worship is an expression of love for He who is Love. Worship is the shout of joyful praise for our God who is worthy, wonderful, and amazing.
While all of that, and much, much more is true, I would like to spend a few moments sharing memories of excellent expressions of worship I have enjoyed.
I have enjoyed worship while gathered on Sunday mornings with those whom I have come to know and to love. Worship within the Family of God is a special experience, and something that we should never take for granted. Within that setting I have worshipped while being led by worship bands made up of musicians who were quite excellent in their musical skills. There was a special joy in making a big, loud, well-crafted sound, harmonizing our spirits and our voices in worship. I have also, in that setting of worship within the Family of God most familiar, enjoyed singing in worship when there were no instruments involved at all. That too was a sweet and powerful worship experience. I have enjoyed worship that was led by a single piano and a single voice, and worship led by a small group. Worship with your family contains its own kind of joy.
It has been my privilege and joy to worship in places like Haiti where there were no instruments played, but everyone, of every age, either clapped their hands or slapped a part of their body in harmonic rhythms. Worship with those folks is often an emotional experience. They take their worship very seriously, and they take the involvement of the Holy Spirit very seriously. In Haiti the only rule for how long worship should last is this: “it gets done when it is done.” How do you know when that is? You just do, and oddly enough, everyone seems to recognize the truth of it. In worshipping with Haitians, you soon come to realize that the offering time may turn into a sermon moment because someone has something important to say. The same could be true of the Lord’s supper or any other aspect of worship. When no one has a clock or a watch, people tend to be more generous with one another when a person has something to share. I have spent 3-4 hours in steady worship, had that worship suddenly “end”, only to have someone shout “Baptism!” and everyone hurries out to get to the seashore where hours may be spent baptizing in the Name of Jesus.
I have enjoyed worship while in the midst of a solo canoe trip into the Boundary Waters. With no other human being within miles, I have sung loudly without fear of hurting the ears of others. There is a wonderful quality to such private worship. It is intimate, heart-felt, and often tearful.
I have enjoyed worship at a Promise Keepers Rally for pastors held down in Atlanta. There, we worshipped the Lord with over 12,000 voices, all fellow pastors from every kind of denomination. It was loud. It was wonderful. I long to do it again.
Thanks for putting up with my reminiscing. What I am trying to share is that worship in every place, in every form, with every kind of musical talent or the lack there of…is wonderful. Whenever God’s people join their hearts and spirits for the singular purpose of bringing worship before the throne of God, it is special, worthwhile, and important.
In closing this thought about worship I would like to share Psalm 145:1-7. It is a Psalm of David.
I will exalt you, my God the King;
I will praise your name for ever and ever.
2 Every day I will praise you
and extol your name for ever and ever.
3 Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;
his greatness no one can fathom.
4 One generation commends your works to another;
they tell of your mighty acts.
5 They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty—
and I will meditate on your wonderful works.[b]
6 They tell of the power of your awesome works—
and I will proclaim your great deeds.
7 They celebrate your abundant goodness
and joyfully sing of your righteousness.
God bless your worship today!