Free Indeed 12-6-21

Free Indeed

Good morning. It is a fine Monday morning and I have decided to look back a bit at the recent sermon series just concluded. The series was called “Free Indeed” and the focus of the messages was to realize that we, as Christian people, continue to live in various forms and stages of bondage in our lives. It isn’t that we are all in with demonic possession, not at all. Instead, we grow comfortable with our enemy’s influence, his ongoing command and control of various aspects of our lives. Consider a few examples: Each of these are only created examples for the purpose of making a point.

There is Lisa, a 27 year old elementary teacher. She has been called in by her principal because she has received a couple of recent complaints from parents. The problem is that Lisa seems to be doing fine, teaching her lessons, and then when the kids get a bit unruly, she hits the roof with barely controlled anger. She tells the principal that it really isn’t her fault. The problem rests with the children who obviously are not being properly disciplined at home and eventually her patience with them runs out and she flies off the handle. She assures the principal that she is keeping her anger in check, and there is not a risk of her stepping over the line and physically abusing a child. The Principal can tell by the way she is assuring her that while it may be under control that day, the issue is growing and soon could be the cause of something truly unfortunate.

Tim is a fine looking young man with an outgoing personality. His fiancée considered herself fortunate that he “popped the question” asking her to marry him. She quickly said yes, but now there are doubts. She can’t help but notice that Tim has what could be called “a wandering eye.” He seems far too interested in other young ladies and doesn’t seem to do anything to curb their interest in him. In fact he seems to enjoy it. She wonders if Tim’s idea of a committed relationship is what it needs to be, and whether or not he has a problem. He assures her that once they are married the issue will be gone, all taken care of. She isn’t so sure anymore.

Gwen is a 40 something wife and mother of three. She is popular, outgoing, and a good conversationalist. So good that her friends are beginning to wonder whether or not they want to be her friend any longer. The trouble is, they have noticed that whatever they say in front of Gwen soon becomes well known to others. Not only that, but every story seems to be expanded and embellished to the point that it is embarrassing to someone. Gwen’s friends have decided that she isn’t trustworthy, and is a terrible gossip.

None of these fictitious situations sound particularly far-fetched. In fact, they probably remind us of someone. Hopefully, not the person we see in the mirror each morning.

Struggling with issues like anger, lustful desires, gossip, and a long list of other temptations is nothing new. The apostle Paul writes in Romans 8:17 For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. Paul directs a great deal of his teaching to the subject of the constant war between the ways of the flesh (that part of us most vulnerable to the efforts of Satan) and the ways of the Spirit of God. The problem is one of who is in control. Has the Spirit been accepted as the authority over the problematic areas of our life, or is the enemy still being given room to operate?

It is easy to say that we can’t help it, but is that true? Have we really done our best to give those problem areas of our life over to God in prayer throughout each day?

We should always remember that we are not alone. There are others who have gone through whatever it is we are going through, and many have learned how to give it to God and find their victory. Consider 1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

God is faithful and promises to provide what is needed for our success, but we need to admit the problem, address the problem, and bring the problem into the arms of our loving God. Then we need to be obedient to His instruction and enjoy the victory.

With God’s love and help His promise is certain and we are truly Free Indeed!
