Dressed For His Presence 10-16-21

Good morning. I would like to tell you about the best suit I’ve ever worn. It was medium grey in color, with a thin, dark blue pinstripe. It was a three-piece suit, and it was tailored to fit me. The odd thing is, I came into the possession of this fine garment at a time in our lives when Pam and I were just then welcoming Mike, our firstborn, into the world, and I was still in Bible college. What I am saying is that I couldn’t afford an extra pair of socks. The way that this suit came to me was that I won it. In those days of being a husband, a new dad, and still a college student, the title of my job search would have been “anything for a buck.” The “anything” job that I tried my hand at was selling Kirby vacuum cleaners. For one particular month, I sold more of them than anyone else on the sales staff. My prize was to go to the mall to a men’s-wear store, pick out the material, and have them tailor a suit just for me. I wore it for several years. I suppose that it must have gone out of style somewhere along the way, but being from north central Minnesota I couldn’t tell you then, nor could I tell you now, what makes a suit go in or out of style.

Being that medium grey color, it worked for me when I began our preaching ministry, wearing it for both weddings and funerals. It was a fine suit. Please bear with me for a few moments as I share a story of what will never be:

The day had finally arrived. It was the day we all share eventually, that day that marks life’s end, and for Christian people it is the day of wonderful new beginnings. It was my big day. I hadn’t been totally prepared, at least not for the details. I mean, you know that this is the day when you will finally look at the Father face to face, so you definitely want to look your best. I didn’t have a lot of time to make choices for that big moment, but when it came to what to wear, well that didn’t take long at all. I would come into the presence of Almighty God wearing the finest garment I had ever been blessed to wear. It had to be my grey suit with the dark blue pinstripe. Fortunately, in that mysterious way that things happen when we approach that moment, I looked into my closet and the suit was in there! I hadn’t seen it for several decades, but there it was, and it still fit just like it did the day the tailor finished it. Wow. Will God ever be impressed!

Finally, the moment arrived. I was ushered into the presence of the King of Kings, my Father God. I was breathless and amazed. He was glorious and more awesome than can be described. He looked at me and for just a moment, for one tiny moment, I could swear that I saw the edges of His lips curl a bit. Yes! I think I saw God smile! But it was over in an instant, and He waved at me to draw near. I approached His throne unsure of what to do. I mean, do you look at His face? Do you bow low and stare at your feet? In my case, I just stood there with my mouth open, totally transfixed by His presence.

I will never forget the words that our Father God said to me. I could see that He was going to speak, and I wondered what great wisdom He would share. It would have to be incredible, awesome, inspiring, and noteworthy. I mean, after all, these were going to be the words of God spoken directly to me!

And then I heard them, and His words were: “Lose the suit.”  

Whhaawhhaat? “Lose the suit?” I repeated. “Child” He said to me, “No one may enter My presence wearing such a plain and ugly garment. There is only one thing that you may wear as you come before Me.”

“Bbbbuuut Father,” I replied, “this is the best I have, the finest I have ever worn.”

“Is it really?” asked God. “Turn around and leave my presence. Think about it for a moment, and I will give you one more chance. There is only one way to be dressed when you come into My holy presence.” With those words I found myself outside, wishing I was in. What else could I wear? What else would be so fine that it would not offend the eyes of God? How must I be clothed to come again into His holy sight?

I shed a tear or two and bowed my head in prayer. What is it God, what must I do, what must I wear? The answer came to me like a bolt of thunder. “Of course!” I shouted, and I remembered God’s Word: For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. Galatians 3:27

Removing the silly grey suit, I lifted the most humble prayer I could say, and in an instant I was ready. I re-entered His throne room, and this time there was no doubt about it. I saw God smile. His smile was wide, and it was beautiful, and it was mine!

He spoke to me once more, “Yes, child, now you may come near. Now you are dressed for heaven. You are wearing the truth of My Jesus, and all else are but filthy rags.”


I pray that we all will be arrayed in glorious splendor when our day should finally come, dressed for the Father, clothed in Christ.
