Good morning. There is one essential idea that should shape every day of our lives. It should be, every single day, a primary truth to accept. It is a truth that has implications over every aspect of our Christian existence. This profound and powerful thought is this:
Jesus cares for you.
Soak that in for a moment and consider what that simple statement implies, what it actually means for you. As a parent cares for their dear child, Jesus cares for you. As husbands and wives lift each other up in every description of love, Jesus cares for you. As God cares for each detail of His creation, Jesus cares for you. Personally, intimately, passionately, patiently, lovingly, and tenderly…Jesus cares for you.
I would like to share a prayer. This is a prayer that I am praying and will continue to pray, and I am not suggesting that your prayer needs to be exactly the same, but I do hope that you will consider lifting up a prayer to your Father God that expresses something similar as you begin your day(s): Dear Father, my mind is clouded with thoughts about what my day might bring. It is filled with hopes and fears, expectations and doubts. Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that throughout this day I will feel the gentle touch of Jesus. I want to better understand His love and His concern for me. I want to feel confident that if I should stumble, Jesus will catch me. I want Jesus to sooth my heart when it aches, to steady my spirit when confusions find their way, and to gently lead me when the concerns of the day obscure the righteous path. Dear Father, I want to experience the tender care of Jesus today.
How big is your God today? Is He big enough to be trusted with your day? Is His love powerful enough to ensure that He will take care of you? Is Jesus a capable enough Good Shepherd to care for His flock? Does Jesus know you personally and call you His own? Yes, Jesus cares for you.
Consider a few scriptures that relate to the truth of God and Jesus’ care for us:
But you see the trouble
and the distress,
and you will do something.
The poor can depend on you,
and so can orphans. Psalm 10:14
The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
and his ears are attentive to their cry…Psalm 34:15
God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1
So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10
God’s love is certain. That Jesus cares for us is beyond doubt. That God the Father, Son, and Spirit are One, and that His love endures forever is a guiding truth.
Jesus cares for you.
There is a power in that simple truth that is awesome, and oh, by the way, this powerful truth never changes. It doesn’t matter what you have done, what brilliant acts of service or sins committed in the dark, Jesus cares for you.
Call upon the tender and compassionate touch of Jesus today. Allow Him to care for you, to bless you, to love you.