Homework 09-28-23
Good morning. Homework…that was always a dreadful subject back in our school days. I hope that this isn’t a dreadful suggestion, but I would ask that you consider the following […]
Good morning. Homework…that was always a dreadful subject back in our school days. I hope that this isn’t a dreadful suggestion, but I would ask that you consider the following […]
Good morning. We have had a few days of rain, finally. Our area has suffered through drought conditions this summer, and even though these rains will not help the crops
Good morning. I use computers every day. For my work, I use them for research and for writing. At home, I keep up with my fantasy football team, fishing reports, emails,
Good morning. May God’s rich blessings be yours today. May God’s love motivate you and direct your thoughts, words, and actions. Poetry is, for the writer, an outpouring of the
Good morning. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines the word infinite in this way: unlimited – whether by time, space, or quantity: boundlessness. Jesus invites us to be His friends (John 15:15). How is it