Each and Every One 06-19-23
Good morning. In my recent fishing excursion in Canada, I happened to hit it just right with the weather. It seemed as though every smallmouth bass in the lake, and […]
Good morning. In my recent fishing excursion in Canada, I happened to hit it just right with the weather. It seemed as though every smallmouth bass in the lake, and […]
Good morning. In Ephesians 5:18-21 we are commanded to worship together in a very powerful way: … be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making
Good morning. All is a short word, only three letters. In Greek, “all” is the word, “pas”. In Hebrew, “all” is the word, “kal”. In each case it is a
Good morning. God will not force Himself on you. There may be times when we wish that He would, but that is not His style. God desires to bless us,
Good morning. With some apologies to Charles Dickens for the title, I would like to share thoughts today about the drama which surrounded two goats each year at the time of