An Honest Assessment 2-4-22
Good morning, I pray that your day is one of blessing and joy. Imagine with me please, an individual who has his mind made up regarding the existence of God […]
Good morning, I pray that your day is one of blessing and joy. Imagine with me please, an individual who has his mind made up regarding the existence of God […]
Good morning. Our Thursday edition Bible character this week is Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses. You will recall that Moses, after killing the Egyptian for mistreating a Hebrew man, ran away
Good morning. One of the parables of Jesus that many find difficult to understand is found in the first 8 verses of Luke 18, often referred to as the “Parable of
Good morning. “Prove it.” Now, those are words that could be an invitation to an argument. When we have a difference of opinion with someone and they seem to want