11-20-23 Sunny and Warm?

Good morning. Winter is coming. I know, the weather in this area of southern MN has been unseasonably warm and mild for this time of year. But as Minnesotans we all know that “the other shoe will soon be dropping”, which is to say the inevitable is about to arrive. Winter is coming.

One thing we have all learned through the years, whether we are hardy Minnesotans or residents of an area with more moderate weather, we can whine all we want but it doesn‘t change anything. The weather is going to be whatever it is going to be, and our task is to enjoy it when we can, make the best of it when we can’t, and hole up or run for cover when the situation calls for it.

Could you consider for a moment a person who is known for their “sunny” disposition? This would be a person whose default expression is a smile. Their typical demeanor is patience and hopefulness. They tend to be steady and dependable in their friendliness and acceptance of others, even when those “others” behavior could warrant a more severe reaction. Such folks tend to be a rare find, but praise God that they are out there!

When we start our day, we can’t determine the weather. I wish that we could, but no, it is what it is. But is it possible to start our day with a commitment to a “sunny” disposition? We may be facing a day that is too busy or has some unpleasant event on the schedule. Does that mean it would be an impossibility to commit to that bright and sunny outlook for the day?

What would happen to our day if we started with a commitment to a disposition that was sunny and warm, even when circumstances would make an outlook that is “stormy with a possible tornado” more expected? If we had that commitment to being “sunny and warm” would our day turn out differently? Would it turn out for the better? I would say that the answer to both questions is a resounding, “Yes”!

Please consider with me today a single verse of scripture that is, I believe, a key element to our disposition, and therefore to how our day will turn out. We read this in Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

What is the key to that successful commitment to a “sunny and warm” outlook for your day? We must do what this verse commands. Look for all that is good and righteous. Ignore that which is miserable and unworthy. Focus on the excellent and praiseworthy and your day will show godly results. You too could be that person known for bringing sunshine into a dark and cloudy day. Sunny and warm in the midst of a harsh Minnesota winter? Yep, we could do it if we try.
