11-19-23 There Is Within My Heart A Melody

Good morning. May God’s rich blessing rest upon your worship and praise today!

The mourning dove has a song that sounds so sad to our ears that we named the bird accordingly. The nightingale is known for a song that is considered the most beautiful of all because it is a happy melody they are eager to share with the world. In the early days of springtime, it is a joy to hear the voice of a robin that has made an early appearance as winter loses its grip. Is the song of each bird indicative of their point of view? Of course not. They each sing the song that is within them, true to their nature, yearning to sing because they can’t keep those melodies silent.

As we enter into worship today, we might consider that we too sing to the Lord the song that is within us. There is a need within us to worship when we have come to know the Lord and love Him.

Ecclesiastes 3:10 says, “For God has planted eternity within the hearts of men.”

There is within us a place called eternity. There is within us a desire to worship the God of eternity. There is within us a heart yearning to express the joy of its song. It is a song made all the more wonderful when it is joined with the voices of others equally moved to worship.

The song of the mourning dove may sound sad to us, but we can be sure that it is a song from deep within being expressed in expectation of what the day will bring. The whippoorwill sings a song that sounds eager, as though it can’t wait to see what the day has to offer. They sing their songs, as do all the birds around them, because there is a voice within them that must be heard.

We too must sing. We too must express that which is held within us, yearning to be set free.

Worship well today. Sing songs of joy and hope that spring from the depth of your heart. Let it go, worship free, and give your song to the One who placed it within you.
