1 Peter 3:8 – Seriously? 3-23-22

Good morning. There are times when the commands of scripture seem diffiuclt. When we read “Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again, REJOICE!” the most challenging part of the command is the word, “always.” It is difficult to imagine, let alone carry out, finding the spiritual wherewithal to rejoice “most of the time”, but always? That is tough.


This past Saturday put my willingness to obey the Lord’s commands to the test. I was in Phoenix, having spent most of the week with my brother and sister in-law so that I could officiate their renewal of vows ceremony. By early Saturday morning I was at the airport ready to fly home. I had booked my flights with Spirit Airlines because they were cheaper. I knew that their flight would be less convenient and uncomfortable, but it was about half the price of others. It turns out that cheaper isn’t actually much of a bargain if they fail to take you where you need to go when you need to be there.


I spent 8:30 am to 5:30 pm at the airport and in Spirit Airlines bondage. I was miserable and unable to do anything about it. At 5:30, after 3 1/2 hours sitting in the plane that didn’t go anywhere, we were told “Please deplane, we’ll try again tomorrow.” After having been wedged into one of their too small seats for such a long period of time I was not in a good mood. It was at this point that I remembered (or perhaps I should say that the Lord helped me to remember) 1 Perter 3:8. In this verse we are commanded: Finally, all of you be like-minded, be sympathetic, being filled with love for one another, be compassionate and humble.


Seriously Lord? THAT is the command you bring to my mind? Why not Hebrews 10:30 For we know Him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay”? I admit that I was far more in the mood for vengance that being sympathetic. I think I was beginning to relate to the disciples when they asked Jesus if they could pray for fire to come down from heaven to consume a Samaritan village. 


But no, the Word of the Lord was to be sympathetic, filled with love, compassionate, and above all…humble. Rats. 


It is now Tuesday and as I look back on the experience, I can see that the Lord was right (funny how it always seems to turn out that way). Sympathy and compassion were better than rage.


As you work your way through the day today, if there is something stressful and difficult facing you, please remember 1 Peter 3:8. It is the way of the Lord, which means that it is the right and righteous way.
