Children's Ministry
New Life Christian Church
Teaching Kids about God's Love and Faithfulness.
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. – Proverbs 22:6
NLCC Children's Ministry

Sunday school is held weekly before the main worship service. We also have group fellowship and classes on Wednesday evenings (family night) during the school year. We love to share God’s love with our little ones in a fun and interactive environment!
NLCC Annual Children's Easter Egg Hunt

Held following the Deacon’s Annual Easter Breakfast and a Children’s Lesson/Craft time. All children present are invited to participate in finding filled eggs hidden around the church property.
Vacation Bible School at NLCC

Vacation Bible School is held every summer for Kids from age 5 to 12. This is a fun filled, truth-packed, multi-night event that includes games, prizes, singing, and verse memorization. We delight in sharing the love of God with the children in our community.
Bible Camp for NLCC Youth

We send kids to Bible camp every summer up in northern Minnesota. With camps for kids just starting 4th grade all the way to camps for 12th graders. There is also a family camp week for the whole family to enjoy!
NLCC's Christmas Program

Although not always the traditional format, our Children’s Christmas performances are always delightful! Our children get the opportunity to share their gifts of music, memorization, and acting with their church family. The yearly Christmas Program is always a special time the entire congregation looks forward to every year.