New Life Christian Church

1705 SE Marshall ST

Albert Lea, MN 

Join us for Sunday Worship!

Coffee Fellowship 9:00 am

Sunday School 9:30 am

Worship Service 10:30 am

Coffee Fellowship: 9:00 am
Sunday School: 9:30 am
Worship Service: 10:30 am


5:30 pm ~ 7:00 pm

September ~ May

Sunday Services

Sunday, October 13
at 10:30 am

This week’s sermon is titled “That You May Believe: Jesus’ Claims in Relation to the Messianic Hope.” We explore Jesus’ powerful assertions about His identity. Beginning with His conversation with the Samaritan woman in John 4:3-26, where Jesus boldly claims to be the long-awaited Messiah. We delve into the Old Testament’s development of the Messianic hope, from Genesis to the prophets, highlighting how figures like Moses, David, Isaiah, and others foretold the coming of God’s anointed one. Jesus fulfills these expectations as the Prophet who speaks for God, the King with a heavenly kingdom, the Good Shepherd who lays down His life, the Savior of the world, and the High Priest who leads us to the Father.  Who Do You Say Jesus Is?


NLCC Activities and Meetings


Sunday evenings we come together for a fun evening of prayer, fellowship and games. No experience or equipment is needed for this fun, laid back game night. Come to play or just to watch and cheer on your favorite team for the night.


Embrace all people, sharing the love, joy, faith, and truths that we have come to know in Christ Jesus.

Provide encouragement, connection, and discipleship within Christ’s church as we reach out in love to witness to the world around us.


At New Life Christian Church, you will be greeted by friendly people who will be genuinely glad that you are here!  As our guest we desire for you to be touched by Christ’s message and fellowship with us.

We are a laid back congregation with a “come as you are” attitude who loves to worship God individually and communally.  Don’t worry about what to wear before you get here, just get here! Come worship, and learn, about the Lord with us!

You will be greeted by friendly people who will be genuinely glad that you are here!  As our guest, we only desire for you to be touched by the message of Christ and to fellowship with us.

We are a laid back congregation with a “come as you are” attitude who loves to worship God individually and communally.  So don’t worry about what to wear before you get here, just get here! Come worship, and learn, about the Lord with us!

To embrace all people, sharing the love, joy, faith, and truths that we have come to know in Christ Jesus.

Our vision at NLCC is to provide encouragement, connection, and discipleship within Christ’s church as we reach out in love to witness to the world around us.

Our core beliefs at NLCC are:

The Bible
The Bible is the inspired, infallible, inerrant, and authoritative Word of God.

One God
There is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, both fully God and fully human. He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died as the sacrificial substitute to pay for the penalty of sin, physically rose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and He will one day physically return.


God created man for a separate and distinctive role in his creation. Into man God breathed His Spirit and from that moment all of mankind would be both physical and spiritual-eternal beings.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23

All of mankind, with the exception of Jesus Christ, are guilty of rebellion against God, which we recognize as “sin”.  The result of this sin can be eternal death.

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23

Yes, we are all guilty of sin, which brings death, but we know that Jesus Christ has paid the price to redeem us, freeing us of the eternal consequence as well as the present burden of guilt from sin.


We believe that our salvation comes through God’s free gift of grace through Christ’s death on the cross.  As recipients of the grace, our desire is to carry out the principles and patterns modeled to us in scripture including belief, repentance, confession, Biblical baptism and in every way, attempting to produce fruit representing transformed lives.

Biblical Baptism                           We recognize that God’s command is that we join Christ in the likeness of his death, burial and resurrection through the waters of baptism. Baptism is a personal choice of commitment by a penitent believer, therefore we celebrate baptism by immersion.        

Because all of mankind are spiritual-eternal beings, all will be raised when Christ returns.  Those who have made a life commitment of love with Christ Jesus will be raised to eternal glory, those who refuse God’s grace will face eternal punishment/death.

Our Pastor

Brian & Jennifer Mitchell

Brian Mitchell is honored to serve as the Pastor of New Life Christian Church, where he began his ministry in September 2024. Originally from Yukon, Oklahoma, Brian has always felt a strong calling to pastoral ministry. After graduating as valedictorian from Dallas Christian College with a bachelor’s degree in Ministry, he has faithfully pursued God’s purpose in teaching and leading His people.

With over ten years of ministry experience, Brian has a deep passion for expository preaching. He believes that God’s Word is powerful and life-changing. He is committed to helping others understand the Bible in meaningful, practical ways while fostering a close-knit, Christ-centered community at New Life Christian Church.

Brian has been married to his wife, Jennifer, for 30 years, and together they have two wonderful children. Their daughter, Sheyenne, is married and resides in Tulsa, Oklahoma, while their son, Brian, is following in his father’s footsteps by attending Dallas Christian College online. God has truly blessed his family with ministry. Jennifer hosts a podcast called “Love Letters From God,” Sheyenne is a teacher, and Brian (Little Man) aspires to be a youth pastor. His family brings that passion for the Lord to New Life Christian Church.

When he’s not engaged in ministry, Brian enjoys exploring the many trails around the lakes by running, walking, or riding his bike. However, he is never too busy to stop and enjoy a meal or a cup of coffee. He looks forward to seeing how God will continue to move through New Life Christian Church and welcomes everyone to be a part of this exciting journey of faith.